Sunday, January 11, 2009

Look What I Can Do! I'm Six Months

Preston turned six months old on December 30, 2008. He has gotten so BIG, so fast. He amazes Corey and I everyday with each new thing he learns. So far this month, he has slowly began walking around objects as he holds onto them, he has learned how to get Mommy's attention by acting as if he has been mistreated, and most recently made his Daddy very proud when he said, "Dadda" for the first time. Preston is continually getting into everything, and has become a very independent baby. At his six month check up he weighed 19.6 lbs and was 27.5" long.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Baby's 1st Christmas

We celebrated Preston's first Christmas in East Texas with our closest family and friends. Christmas Eve was spent at my families where Preston took part in his first pajama exchange (Mime's tradition). Christmas morning started at 8:00am, and was tons of fun! Celebrating with us were Papaw, Mime, Aunt Mana and Uncle Errin. Later that evening we joined the Hass family, where we heard the wonderful news that Preston will soon have a new Aunt... Uncle Christopher is engaged!